VIP 1:1 Business


This is a place for you if you are ready to be expanded on a mental, emotional and strategic level. I provide a human first approach to business which encompasses mindset, emotional intelligence, personalised strategy, potent communication and biz cleanups.

For the growth-centric human who wants to be challenged, provoked and expanded into higher frequencies through building self-awareness, resilience and personal power.

You can choose between a 3month, 6 month of 12 month container.

All containers include:

- 3x Private coaching calls per month 
- 1 day of WhatsApp in between calls
- Access to all masterclasses during our time together. 

1:1 coaching is Application only. 




Feel like you’re busy doin’ ya thing and getting shit done but could do with a mentor in your pocket when things come up?

Do you get a lot of clarity through verbal brainstorming and bouncing ideas around?

The value in being able to plug into a mentor who is a few steps ahead and can see things you may not see, offer insights and bring a fresh perspective is truly priceless.