You might notice I don’t “fit a box.”

Trying to figure out ‘which box to choose’ or fit into used to cause a lot of frustration.
So… I stopped trying and my life got real damn good.
I didn’t always have this life; the business, the freedom, the hundreds of thousands of downloads, the courses, the confidence, the clarity.
In fact, if you rewind the clock just 3 years, you would see me marking piles of senior English papers at night, writing student reports all weekend, and screaming at traffic on jam-packed freeway after *another* pointless meeting.
If you rewind a little further, you’d see me sitting in a corporate Law Firm and declining a fancy offer to go eat, pray, love, and “find myself” in India.
If you went right back to my childhood, you’d probably see the writing on the wall. I guess I should have known that the little Oprah-obsessed, microphone-holding, necklace-selling, neighbourhood car-washer, performer, and poet (I got published for the first time at 10 years old) would have ended up being a creative entrepreneur.
But I never really gave myself permission to be….me.

Until I had my “fuck this" moment.
In fact, there were many...
Screaming at traffic on a jam-packed freeway after another useless after-hours meeting.
Counting down the days until holidays and watching the clock every working moment.
My husband telling me I’m “not the same as the person I fell in love with.”
That one cut me deep. Because he was right.
I’d lost my passion. I’d lost my drive. I’d lost my sense of humor.
I’d lost…..me.
TODAY, I’m sitting by a pool in Bali with my sexy fireman husband *must resist a joke about sliding down poles*. In between life chats and cycle-trip planning, I’m with my notepad and pen - forever brainstorming new ways I can get everyone from surviving to thriving - from where they are NOW, to where they want to be.
Financially. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually.

THESE DAYS, it is my multi-passionate, curious, nerdy nature which has given me and my clients such a breadth and depth of knowledge, wisdom, and methods that we apply to life and business to get such profound results.
I truly am not like any other business mentor out there.
You could say I’m a triple threat, and my weapons of choice are a reflection of my life’s work.
I am the...
>> Mindset, emotional intelligence, NLP & shadow work Queen.
>> Communication, influence & social media marketing Master.
>> Business strategy and course creation Magician.
And that is why my clients get such profound results.
I don’t do one-dimensional.
I don’t do cookie-cutter.
I don’t do one-size-fits-all.
I don’t do hustle without happiness.
I am the place where fun meets depth.
I am the place where strategy meets soul.
I am the place where the bank meets belief.
I am the mentor who will hold your heart while kicking your butt. *And there will be a LOT of laughter along the way.*

I didn’t build this alone.
Come into my world….
Podcast producer, Client Support, Queen-of-Banterbury, Australian Idol Wannabe.

Meet Old Mate, Bae, Pumba, Shrek.
My husband, tyre-changer, camping-buddy, map-reader, snack-finder, and on-tap entertainment.